
Or more accurately, “essays etc.” Here you will find a selection of essays, reviews, features, feuilletons and the occasional experimental piece. You can also find archives for specific publications herehere and here.

The Joy of the Wasteland

Hello. My name’s Daniel Kalder. I am the author of LOST COSMONAUT, a blackly humorous ‘anti-travel’ book about my wanderings in four surreal (but real) wastelands. It also co

The Bat Hotel

Last week I was in Deerborn, Michigan to attend the wedding of one of my best friends. I was glad to be present, but still, I was a bit disappointed that the ceremony was not being

Tall Tales

I’m reading a biography of Jerzy Kosinski at the moment: he was a holocaust survivor who wrote The Painted Bird- a best- selling autobiographical novel about his horrifying exper

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