A Place In The Slum: An interview with Daniel Kalder
“The anti-tourist does not visit places that are in any way desirable. The anti-tourist eschews comfort. The anti-tourist embraces hunger and hallucinations and shit hotels â
Going Nowhere
Lost Cosmonaut, a darkly humorous, haphazard tour around Russia’s dreariest republics has turned out to be a surprise hit for its author, Daniel Kalder. On a stop off in Lond
One small Steppe
Daniel Kalder is a shadowy figure, pale and slight. He warns me that he will be wearing black, that he has a beard and a long ponytail. I spot him instantly in the Edinburgh cafe w
What is the most quintessential anti-tourism site—the place it would be hardest for a travel agent to write an appealing blurb for? I think the planet Pluto is a pretty rotten pl
Travelling with an Anti-tourist
Daniel Kalder’s debut Lost Cosmonaut is a nihilistic celebration of four Russian places so far off the tourist trail that most people—including Russians—will never have h