Hello, my name is Daniel Kalder.
I’m a writer, originally from Scotland, who now lives in Texas after spending 10 years in the former USSR. I am the author of three books, including the pioneering work of anti-tourism Lost Cosmonaut, the apocalyptic memoir-travelogue Strange Telescopes and The Infernal Library (UK: Dictator Literature) a cultural history of books written by despots. I’ve also written for publications around the world, and currently publish a newsletter, THUS SPAKE DANIEL KALDER, where I share extracts from works in progress, memories of unwritten masterpieces, strange discoveries and generally try to unearth interesting things for an unsuspecting audience. More is planned, so please sign up: I promise never to bore you.
This site, danielkalder.com, was established in 2006, and contains information about my books as well as selected essays and other writings from the Kalder archive, plus some of my dabblings in audio. If you’d like to get in touch, please do so via the contact form. Below is an interview which provides a good overview of my career. I hope you’ll take some time to look around and find some things to your liking.
Kalder portrait: Sandy Carson
Site by: Bill Finch